After browsing our site, we hope that you feel confident applying to NextGen Academy. But we understand that you may have further questions that were not addressed or may be looking for additional clarification; 

Questions regarding the application process, daily schedule, training curriculum, program benefits, etc. We want you to feel 100% confident that NGA will help transform your life for the better, and therefore, are more than welcome to speak with you further. Enter your Admissions Directors:

Josh Schanker; NGA Alumni 2008 - 2009

Josh Schanker; NGA Alumni 2008 - 2009

Virgina Orman; NGA Alumni 2010 - 2012

Virgina Orman; NGA Alumni 2010 - 2012

Josh and Virginia are both Alumni of NextGen Academy's full-year program and have committed to volunteer their time to manage the application process and address your questions. They can even arrange for you to meet with an Alumni in your local area to hear first-hand about the benefits of the program and what to expect.

Shoot them an email at: